lunes, 28 de febrero de 2011

Moving to New York

I have been a little negligent of this blog because my past month and half have been consumed with moving to a new state...and a new climate. Adjusting to the NY winter, especially the most sever January on record, has been no easy task. But, I have purchased a variety of coats, gloves, scarves and hats and have made my way around my new environment.

To explain everything I have done and seen since I moved here would take pages and pages, so I'll skip all those details. Suffice to say that New York is exactly what I expected - a high pace city with no end of sights to see and things to do. Everywhere I turn I'm facing something famous. I have accidently found myself staring up at the Empire State Building, walking through Central Park, Bryant Park, Madisson Square Park, Times Square, I've wandered past Madisson Square Garden, looked out the window at the Crysler Building, found myself on 5th Avenue, and that's just the beginning of the things I've seen here.

The winter in this city is beautiful (if you're looking out a window). I've seen fresh, white snow covering the trees and lining the streets. I watched people ice skate at Rockafeller Center and wished I had the cold tolerance to join them. But I've also seen month-old snow, leaving piles of black dust covering the sidewalks. I love to walk through the city, with no particular destination in mind, and take pictures of all the new things around me. Unfortunately, keeping my hand out of a glove long enough to snap a few shots soon becomes painful as my hands turn bright red and numb. I fight through the pain, though, and have a few good pictures as a momento of my stroll.

I continue to be amazed by the architecture, the nature, and the feel of New York. The hour-long commute from my apartment doesn't even bother me, because I know I have a spectacular destination to look forward to.

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