domingo, 27 de marzo de 2011


This past Friday I had the good fortune to eavesdrop on a stranger's phone conversation about the ArtExpo. As an art lover, I couldn't resist the urge to ask her for more information about the event. It turned out the Expo was in Manhattan this year, this weekend in fact, and would host artists from all over the world. I couldn't believe my luck! I bought a ticket online and attended the next day.

The Expo was on Pier 94 on the Hudson River. After a train ride, a subway ride, and a few wrong turns, I finally arrived at the Pier - with frozen red hands and ears aching from the walk in the cold wind. The building's warmth enveloped my goosebump-covered body as I passed through the glass doors. The welcome heatwave was the best part of my day, but then I left the lobby and walked into the main hall. I actually had butterflies in my stomach as I scanned the room and saw the number of incredible artists and pieces at the event.

It took me several hours to walk through the maze of booths. I saw artists from all over the world, literally. China, Japan, Russia, South Africa, Haiti, Argentina, Brazil, Italy, and Canada are but a few of the countries represented at the ArtExpo. Each artist had a unique style, which made for an amazingly interesting tour for people of every taste. I saw some paintings that were so realistic I wasn't quite sure that they weren't photographs. There were impressionist works that could inspire the creativity in even the least-artistic of people. Brilliant colors splashed on canvases, black and white portraits, shadow boxes with an ensemble of artistically-displayed materials, and completely abstract pieces covered every corner of the showroom. Every aisle, every turn, and every booth brought a new mood and a new experience.

This event turned out to be one of the most successful of my spontaneous adventures. For a while, I wasn't even sure I was on the right side of town. By the end of the day, I had a wonderful time and a great experience looking at the beautiful artwork, talking to the artists, and enjoying the free-spirited atmosphere.

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