jueves, 17 de noviembre de 2011

Washington, DC

Last weekend I went to the Washington, DC area for a quick visit. I skipped all the monuments and explored some other parts of the city. The three highlights were the Mount Vernon Trail along the Potomac River in Alexandria, Georgetown and the Old Stone House, and Rock Creek Park.

Since this trip was in the height of the fall foliage, everything was spectacularly beautiful. On the Mount Vernon Trail I saw breathtaking views of trees with red and orange leaves lining the Potomac River. I happened to be there just in time to watch the sky shift through various shades of pastel blues, pinks and purples as the sun set and the dark hues of night enveloped the scenery. Without a doubt this was one of the most beautiful places I have ever seen.

During this trip I visited Georgetown for the first time as well. The shops, the old buildings and leaf-covered sidewalks gave the town a nice quaint feel. People strolled down the streets with their kids and their dogs and I stopped to play with every puppy I saw. There was an old building made of stone on the main road that looked rather out of place among so many relatively new buildings. It turns out, this was the historic Old Stone Building and, if memory serves, is the oldest standing building in Washington, DC. It even survived the Revolution. With its low ceilings, small rooms and replicas of the original furniture I was able to get a sense of how life was back in the time of the founding fathers. Little wooden plaques hung from the walls to teach about those distant days and remind visitors of our history.

On my last day in DC I went to the Rock Creek Park. Among other things, this park is a common location for scenes from the show NCIS. The park seemed massive and I only saw a small part of it, but what I did see was incredible. This is my first real fall so I was completely mesmerized by the all the colors. The ground was covered with fallen leaves, creating a carpet of brown, yellow, orange and red as far as the eye could see. Somehow the trees still held on to their charming colors. Beyond a stone wall and an old wooden gate I found a dirt path winding through the woods. Like a little kid, I ran and skipped my way down the path stopping only to take a few pictures.

This spur of the moment trip was a wonderful way to explore some new places. Washington, DC is officially on my list of places to visit in the fall as well as my list of recommendations for travelers. There is a lot to see, a lot to do, and a lot to learn from this historic city. In the right season, it is also one of the most beautiful places I can think of.

viernes, 4 de noviembre de 2011

Central Park, Belvedere Castle

This post is a little overdue, but sometimes life obligations (like work and school) get in the way of hobbies like blogging. A few weeks ago I took a trip to Central Park. It wasn't one of my most glamorous adventures, but I always enjoy visiting my city's biggest park. There's always something new to see and experience.

During this visit I finally made it to the Belvedere Castle. The castle is a bit of an anachronism right in the center of New York City. The architecture alone is incredible to behold. From a distance you can see the Belvedere Castle perched beside the lake and take in its majesty. From next to its walls you can appreciate the intricacy of the castle's stonework and the beauty of every angle. With its Gothic influence, I couldn't help but feel drawn into history. I wondered about life in a time when castles like this served a purpose beyond entertainment. What was it like to hide behind stone walls during an attack of cannon fire? How did it feel to enter such a place as a guest of its residents? My mind continued to wander as I snapped photos like the tourist I am.

I ended my trip to Central Park with a visit to the famous Bow Bridge. The ducks fished for their dinners and tourists paddled their canoes. I watched the canoes slowly drift by and listened as their occupants laughed and enjoyed the evening. I even had the good fortune to see a gondola pass by, its passengers a newly wed couple and its gondolier serenading them with romantic Italian songs.

Central Park can be one of the most serene places in this bustling city. After just a few minutes I can find myself lost in thought as I try to navigate the maze of sidewalks and pathways. I usually get lost along the way, but I'm always refreshed after my visit to this sanctuary of nature in one of the biggest cities in the world.